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Sustainable Future,
ESG of Insight Division

Hanwha Solutions Insight Division contributes to a
better future and sustainable growth for all through
development solutions such as eco-friendly energy,
smart green industrial complex and RE100.

Contributing to a better
future and sustainable

ESG is an abbreviation of Environment, Social and Governance and it is utilized as the
criteria for judging company’s non-financial performance.
ESG covers various concept such as social responsibility, sustainability, creation of shared
value and sustainable development of a company with the focus on important non-financial
factors which could have animpact on financial values in the long-term.

ESG Report

This report covers the outcome and
activities of Hanwha Solutions for a
sustainable growth.

2024 ESG Report

Hanwha Solutions has conducted various ESG activities based
on increased social responsibilities and thoughts about its role.
We share the outcome and plan of ESG activities of Hanwha
through ESG report.